Recommendations for Over-wintering Honey Bee Colonies on Cape Cod
John Portnoy, Wellfleet, 11 Oct 2021 With the arrival of Varroa mites and mite-vectored viruses, overwintering honey bees successfully,...

Last minute feeding tips as your hive prepares for winter.
FALL/WINTER FEEDING With the extended warm weather this fall, some of our hives will need supplemental feeding. Sugar syrup (2:1) can be...

BCBA's Being a Good Neighbor: Best Practices Guide
Best Management Practices for Beekeeping The following is an original January 2010 publication. It has been updated for 2020....

Feeding Honeybees in the Spring
Here on Cape Cod, did you know that the queen begins to "awaken" and lay eggs in the hive sometimes as early as February? Those baby...

How to Sugar Roll for Varroa Count
If you really do not want to kill 300 bees this spring, here is a quick and effective way to test for Varroa Mites Supplies: • Very dry...